Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back (in the saddle) again!

Well, after a long hiatus of blogging. I'm back. This time I'm keeping it G-rated and will be talking mostly about crafting, selling crafts, kids, selling kids.. Oops. Did that just come out?
Sorry. It's been a long summer so far.

As my mother would tell you, I've been crafting and drawing since I was physically capable of weilding a crochet hook and pencil. I work relatively quickly - I've never been a fan of starting something that I couldn't finish in a day - but recently discovered QUILTING and I lub it berry much.

So... I will be uploading photos and all that jazz over the next few days.

Please be patient with me as I need a blog like I need a hole to my head or another pair of rubber slippers.

There's just not enough hours in the day.

Talk soon.


P.S. While you wait, check out my Etsy shop Aloha O Ka Aina and buy something. You know you want to buy something. : )

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